Bio [Eng]
My artistic practice investigates embodiment as a dynamic material that is activated in the encounter between gesture, ritual and ecosystem. Through processes that rehearse different layers of production, such as continuity of action, work with performance, photography, writing and editorial experiences. This making connects memories, imaginaries, somatics and affects, weaving links between the personal, the collective and the environment.
I am interested in inhabiting a continuous artistic practice that allows sharing, exploring and creating ways of doing together with other people and in dialogue with what surrounds us.

Roma Vaquero Diaz (Argentina, 1982)
Artist. Master in Combined Artistic Languages (National University of the Arts) and Bachelor in Performing Arts (National University of Rosario).
She participated in residency Manta, Aluminé (2024); Curadora, Santa Fe (2023); Raíces, Catamarca (2022); R.A.R.O. Madrid (2022); Escuchar la fotografía- Galería Artexarte, Buenos Aires (2021); La Flecha, Capitán Sarmiento (2020 – 2019); Originario, Cura Malal (2018).
She had solo exhibitions: Cuántos cuerpos entran en un cuerpo, Galería Olla Roja, Buenos Aires (2022); No somos territorio de conquista, Museo Provincial de Bellas Artes Emilio Pettoruti, La Plata (2019); La Cosahecha, Museo de la ciudad, Pergamino (2012).
Her recent projects were exhibited at Cameron Art Museum (North Carolina),Acéfala Gallery (CABA), Museo del libro y de la lengua (CABA), Can Basté (Barcelona), Centro de Arte Maristany (Barcelona), Quinta del sordo (Madrid); Galería Gachi Prieto (CABA); Kirchner Cultural Center (CABA); Cherry Street Pier (Philadelphia); Provincial Museum of Fine Arts (La Plata); Espacio Idea MEC (Montevideo); Haroldo Conti Memory Cultural Center (CABA); Jacobo Borges Museum (Caracas); San Martín Cultural Center (CABA).
Her work is part of the publication EMERGENCY INDEX, an annual document of performance practice, Ugly Duckling Publishers, Brooklyn, NY, 2023.
In 2020 she published the book Cuántos cuerpos entran en un cuerpo (Editorial Flanbé, 2020).
She has been leading the Mundo Performance platform since 2017.
Lives and works in Buenos Aires.

MUNDO PERFORMANCE is a platform for research, training and archiving around contemporary artistic practice interested in corporeality, memories and affects within art and outside the disciplinary. This space is born from the need to continue thinking and experimenting with performance art and its expansive possibilities in action, image and writing. From this space we propose collaborative procedures and doings in intimate and collective processes, from a circular, open, multiple and feminist methodology, thus weaving a close and affectionate community.
Born in 2017, under the coordination of the Argentine artist Roma Vaquero Diaz, this platform was mutating, growing and building new networks. It is currently located in the city of Buenos Aires, but develops projects that transgress the coordinates and happen inside and outside the country.