Una suerte de fe at Miami Performance International Festival ’22
From May 18th to 20th I will be part of Miami Performance International Festival ’22 with the video performance Una suerte de fe.
Apacheta, durational performance by Roma Vaquero Diaz
On April 9 at 7 pm Roma Vaquero Diaz will perform Apacheta, a durational performance developed between 2021/2022 in search of an altar, a sacred place, a mound of stones.
Save the date! Cuántos cuerpos entran en un cuerpo of Roma Vaquero Diaz
On Thursday, March 31 at 7:00 p.m., the solo show by Roma Vaquero Diaz opens at Olla Roja, Soler 5072, Buenos Aires. The exhibition is curated by Lucía Seijo and accompanied by the editorial Flanbé.
Performance in Gachi Prieto Gallery
Tomorrow, Friday February 4, at 6:30 p.m., I will be performing APACHETA at Gachi Prieto Gallery. A performance developed between 2021/2022 in search of an altar, a sacred place, a mound of stones.
Arteba 2021
From the 5th to the 7th of November, I will be participating in the Arteba fair together with Editorial Flanbé at Arenas Studios, La Boca, Buenos Aires.
International Performance Festival
This Saturday October 16 at 11 am I will participate in LA LUZ BUENA with my performance A small part contains the whole world. Curator Silvio De Gracia
Miami Performance Internacional Festival 2021
From September 23 to 25 I will be part of Miami Performance International Festival ´21 with the beloved video performance Apacheta