How many bodies go into one body

The point of contact of two organisms, of two bodies, forms a territory that is linked to a larger community fabric of sympoiesis; when one of them becomes ill or goes through a difficult vital situation, the other sustains and modifies itself. How many bodies go into one body? Infinite, because our lives are interwoven […]
We are not territory of conquest

Through our body-earth territory, knowledge and affective memories circulate that are linked and allow us to expand our desires in a communal way. We are not a territory of conquest invites us to awaken those memories and to recover those knowledge that is activated through art and encounter, and that establish identity. Summoning intimate spaces, […]
Afraid to speak

Performance based on the poem “Talk about fear” by Hilda Rais *. In the entrance columns to the Madero Library, in the town of San Fernando, in the Province of Buenos Aires, I hang a roll of paper that is unrolled up the stairs. I take a fibrón and write on the paper: What am […]
Ceremony for community hunger

I kneel near those present and begin to remove corn kernels from my right shirt pocket. I place them on the floor and continue to scoop out corn to form a 150 centimeter line, as I move to her side. I change direction and from the left pocket of my shirt I take out corn […]

Motherboard was a collective and performative project that I did with Niny Gamboa, Lolo Villacis and Julieta Anaut. The name Motherboard refers, on the one hand, to the card that gathers all those printed circuits that allow interconnecting the various elements that make up a computer and that is a fundamental and necessary organ for […]
The Revolution will be feminist

I cross the space with a thread and hang some cleaning cloths on it. I take a fibrón and write on my skin some of the labels with which I was nominated throughout my life. Then I offer the fibrón for someone to write about me. That person passes the fibrón to another and so […]
The Revolution was so that the lives of those children could be better

I did this project for the Colectivo Nadie Olvida Nada on the occasion of March 24, National Day of Memory for Truth and Justice. I was interested in thinking of ourselves as children of a generation of disappeared, knowing what memories and resonances exist and, at the same time, understanding what that generation wanted for […]
La Cosahecha

We carried out this project in co-authorship with Gigi Scotellaro. It was made up of xylography, wood sculptures, performance and video art. We were interested in developing the pieces as a whole and doing a duo as if it were the making of a creative unit. The exhibition of this project was thought of as […]