I expand me as I desire

I did this performance as a closing of residence in La Flecha del Arte, La Sortija field, Province of Buenos Aires, under the coordination of Margarita García Faure. To compose it, I activated gestures, resonances and elements that circulated during the stay there and that are part of the place. Under an ancient eucalyptus, I […]

The weight of the corridor

Visual / textual / sound installation where the entire room is wallpapered, covering walls, floor, two chairs, two benches and a table. The table occupies the center and the chairs and benches are to the sides. On each of the papers, in black ink, the number 84.1 is repeated almost obsessively. A blue light bathes […]

Desire and autonomy

How do automatic gestures fill our lives? How many of these gestures are part of our desires and how many are part of a life script imposed on pleasing, liking and caring? This performance puts these gestures into action to break them through encounters and words, appropriating the space and revealing to others their own […]

Ceremony for community hunger

I kneel near those present and begin to remove corn kernels from my right shirt pocket. I place them on the floor and continue to scoop out corn to form a 150 centimeter line, as I move to her side. I change direction and from the left pocket of my shirt I take out corn […]

Flesh of my flesh

Digital video thought of in two layers of performative action that come together in post-production, with sonic poetics that mixes the sounds coming from the action and exploration with ukulele, which was edited and cut, the direction, the speed was changed, it was filtered and overlaid. As if in a reverie, I look for my […]


I stand behind a table and ask those present: How many of those who are menstruating, how do they live those days, how do they collect their blood? While we exchange experiences, I place on the table three scissors, three cloths in the shape of menstrual dressing and three cloths. Each of them has a […]


The purpose of this performance was to generate a situation of ritual encounter where the importance of doing poetic and community, daily and spontaneous, was put into focus. For that, I invite those present to enter a space. There I choose four points in the environment and with my hand I make a gesture of […]


Motherboard was a collective and performative project that I did with Niny Gamboa, Lolo Villacis and Julieta Anaut. The name Motherboard refers, on the one hand, to the card that gathers all those printed circuits that allow interconnecting the various elements that make up a computer and that is a fundamental and necessary organ for […]


Digital video art. Color filming. Fixed camera with layered post-production and editing. Sound poetics made up of body sounds and stereo editing process. To be played / projected in a loop. Fragile: From lat. fragĭlis. 1. adj. Brittle, it breaks down easily. 2. adj. Weak, which can easily deteriorate. 3. adj. Said of a person: […]